Consulting is an independent service of our company, formed in the process of implementing a large number of projects and the accumulated multidisciplinary experience of our team.

Consulting of SEA Company does not impose rigid templates, the relevance of which has long been in the past. Our team has sufficient creativity, professional intuition and expertise to find the most flexible and effective solutions to achieve the goals of the project being consulted.

Today, the consulting service is chosen by entrepreneurs, business owners and investors, because the price of "amateurism" is very high. It is worth thinking about the amount of funds, time and energy that can be lost if you create or change business processes without predicting subsequent risks, especially when the results are protracted (such as building a sales system and strategy for example, or pricing policies).

Any business at some point needs an third party opinion to find optimal solutions and achieve its goals in commercial or operational activities. The further system of work andaccordingly, the profitability of the business depends on the quality of consulting and the solutions developed by it.

In consulting, you realize the essence of the task and get answers to specific questions, as well as develop a clear strategy "What needs to be done to achieve the goal."
Marketing Business Packaging

A business at the stage of its creation and development requires a lot of knowledge and research, and most importantly, its correct marketing positioning. For successful functioning, it is necessary to build an effective marketing strategy, make the proposed product attractive and fully understandable to the target audience.

The purpose of marketing business packaging is to form a deliberately successful product with a detailed description of positioning, a clear step-by-step format, and all the activities and materials necessary for development.
Standardization of business

The development and implementation of work standards is not only the aesthetics of corporate culture, but also additional earnings, which is achieved through savings with the most efficient construction of business processes. The correct allocation of employees' time for a certain job, the formation of transparency in actions and the facilitation of training processes are only part of the advantages that a business with properly structured work standards from our company has.

SEA Company stands for humanity in business processes, therefore, the standards developed and implemented by us are gladly applied by employees, helping them achieve their goals.
Creating a sales department

The main function of the sales department is the continuous provision of business income. But is it that simple?

Finding new customers, working with incoming requests, closing a deal after negotiations are also sales stages. To this end, you can add the necessary software, modern technologies for "pre-sale" and the correct distribution of functionality to achieve the highest results in meeting the company's budget.

SEA Company specialists will develop an effective sales department structure for the tasks of your business, help distribute functionality, set KPIs for each of the employees and, of course, develop the most transparent tools for monitoring and adjusting work.
Pricing and revenue optimization

High market volatility requires competent and dynamic pricing. Maintaining an effective pricing policy allows businesses to respond to external factors in a timely manner and meet market demand.

The creation of a tariff grid, a discount policy and a pricing efficiency control system allows companies to receive up to 20-35% more revenue for the same volume of goods and services sold with the involvement of revenue management consulting from SEA Company.
Working with online sales channels

Online sales channels for different types of businesses have their advantages, such as the speed of customer acquisition, but are also considered one of the most expensive due to the high commission. At the same time, simply being uploaded to one of the channels often does not guarantee sales.

The correct distribution of total sales allocated to online channels (apart from your own website), pricing, correct channel setup, including product description and visualization, as well as a system for transferring a customer who made a purchase through an online sales channel to a direct client of the company are only part of the actions that successful businesses should take today.

SEA Company works with a variety of channels daily, our specialists are active practitioners who know the latest changes, trends, and pitfalls to get maximum results.
Audit of the hotel sales department

The lack of load growth, low ADR, and the presence of a large number of signed contracts that are not in demand from partners may indicate the presence of critical problems in the sales department's business processes that require careful analysis and management decision-making.

The audit of the sales department from the SEA Company consulting company involves a detailed study and evaluation of the effectiveness of existing business processes from existing expert practitioners with proven many years of experience in the hospitality industry.
Bringing goods and services to the Russian market

The Russian market has many features that at first glance may not be obvious to entrepreneurs from other countries. This concerns the purchasing power of the population, legal and customs regulation, promotion channels, the mentality of the population and much more.

Entering a new market is a responsible and costly step for any business, which is why we propose to take these steps together, relying on our experience and extensive business connections. SEA Company will help you correctly form a step-by-step work plan, where each reference point will be transparent and understandable to you, including the evaluation system and ROI calculation.
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*I give my consent to LLC «S.E.A. Company» to the processing of my personal information under the conditions set out in the Privacy Policy
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skype: seacompanymoscow

Business center Convent Plus
Bagrationovskiy proezd, 7, bld 20B, Moscow, 121087
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