Title of the project: SEO promotion of Boutique hotel «39», Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
Date for the implementation of the project: 1 May 2019 – present
Provided services: SEO
Description of the project:
Digital promotion is one of the most popular and effective marketing tools in modern business. Today, perhaps, every company has its own corporate website with a full list of products and services it offers, as well as contact information. However, its presence alone does not guarantee success.
In the spring of 2019, Boutique hotel «39» handed over its website for control, and then for continuous
SEO promotion, which at the first stage included:
1. Analysis of competitors' websites;
2. Technical optimization of the Boutique hotel's «39» website;
3. Website's setup in the position tracking system;
4. Content optimization (optimization of texts, keyword rankings, attractive titles' composing, etc);
5. Adding a site to Internet guides;
6. Adaptation of the promotion pages for the mobile version;
7. Development of semantics for the new search requests.
Thanks to later added options and work on improving existing indicators, the following results were achieved: